Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#52 Fixed seeding ratio limit always reset to zero markybob

installed 5.8.4 from .deb for ubuntu .386

in settings->seeding

the setting for stop seeding when ratio reach.... is always reset to zero when I click ok

#54 Invalid Desired Ration plugin never worked as expected markybob

Since version, when this plugin was added, I tried to use it. Plugin was added broken and it is still broken in

Details: I have ratio limit set globally to 1.2, I want to seed one torrent up to 3. I set desired ratio to 3 for it and wait. When torrent ratio reaches 1.2, torrent is stopped and moved to the bottom of the queue. More over, I can't start it manually again, since ratio is 1.2.

#55 Fixed Deluge segfaults when checking status of big (1 GB or more) downloads markybob

I am running Deluge with Python 2.5 in Archlinux (kernel 2.6.24). When Deluge is checking how much of the torrent was downloaded, it crashes. The only message it returns in console is "Segmentation fault". It happened with Deluge and with the SVN version (from Feb 22 2008).

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