Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (541 - 543 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2402 Fixed [Notifications] completion notice shows total torrent file count when philipz

the notice of completion of downloading a torrent includes the total number of files in the torrent, even though i'm only downloading a few of them.

#2401 Fixed right-click download limit dialog doesnt show whats set Calum philipz

the maximum download speed dialog that appears after right-clicking on a torrent, then options, then download speed limit, then other... doesnt display what the current download speed was previously set at, instead it shows '-1'.

#2400 Fixed Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to resume (need force start behaviour) OmegaPhil OmegaPhil

I have an organised system of labels with Queue settings applied to stop seeding at ratio 1. Occasionally a torrent that belongs to a particular category/label comes along but needs permanent seeding - in the uTorrent days I would have Force Started the torrent, but deluge doesn't have this.

Please can I have an equivalent ability to force start a torrent - override the 'Stop seed at ratio' setting or similar - since label is controlling this, I have put this feature request against this plugin.


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