Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (541 - 543 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#988 file or directory not found - really often andar anonymous

I'm now using deluge for over a year, still there is a small error that's still there. Really often after closing deluge and starting it the next time, some torrents stop, under Details -> Status you can see: file or directory not found

Re-checking does not help, you need to remove the torrent manually and readd it. This is really bugging me sometimes, could someone please take a look why this happens. If you need any additional information, please fix.

This is valid with deluge 1.1.8 under mandriva 2009.1, files are saved to an ntfs partition mounted with ntfs-3g.

#989 WontFix Automatically add OpenBitTorrent as tracker to added torrent andar

It would be awesome if there was an option in the preferences where one could choose to have the tracker urls from added automatically to added torrents.

#994 Invalid All transfers stall completely when using "Move storage" andar

I have a relatively small partition for new downloads, which means I have to use the "Move storage" function to re-locate some of my downloaded things from time to time. Every time I use it, as soon as I click the OK button in the Move storage dialog, all transfers immediately stop (except for downloads, they just drop to ~20kb/s). This happens whether I move just one torrent or 20. When I say "all transfers" I really mean all of them, not just the ones I'm currently moving.

I don't have much more details about this except that I'm always moving to a different partition (actually a different LVM volume).

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