Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8 WorksForMe setting priority of multiple files misbehaves markybob

SOMETIMES, If you choose a large group of files, say 5 or 10 or more in the "Files" tab, and change their priority as a group selection, they will not all be changed to the new priority, so you have to repeat the change several times.

#12 WorksForMe ratio forgotten anonymous

not remembering the ratio I uploaded, after I restarted.

#18 WorksForMe Deluge webui-client quits, server doing the lemming thing... lajuette_[at]_gmail_dot_com

When i start deluged as daemon (~> deluged ) and deluge with webui in the background (~> deluge --ui=web 1>/dev/null 2>&1 & ) it seems to run a few hours before it just stops working. A quick look in my ps -ef shows no sign of deluge or deluged.

I will try to log all (client and server) output and append it asap.

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