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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#606 Invalid Deluge - each time I pause/resume a torrent, its ratio doubles or goes higher. admin

All torrents do the same thing :

Im using ubuntu 8.04 and deluge

If the torrent is downloading or paused, whenever I resume it or pause it, the share ratio changes and becomes way higher, usually around 2 or 3 times higher. Either the share ratio text is not updated adequately or there is a bug which leads to doubling the share ratio each time.

For example :

Torrent has a share ratio of 0.376 in paused state. I resume it, share ratio becomes 0.931 Then, I pause the same torrent again : share ratio is now 0.958. If i resume the same torrent again : 0.984 as share ratio.

All these tests were done in a matter of seconds, the torrent did not even start uploading why the share ratio changes all the time ?

#622 Invalid Russian translation admin

Hello! Your programm is really good and usefull but the russian translate is very bad quality! I could undertake and make a correct russian translation. Write me, if you interested.

#711 Fixed Bugs on 'compatibility with prior version' & 'uninstall process in vista' AlexC anonymous

2 bugs

  • compatibility with prior version
  • uninstall process in vista

I will like to report something that I have just find out with respect to a problem that I had in the past with deluge - others may have also faced it.

Initially, I have installed deluge 0.5 on a linux box and 0.6 in Vista, and everything was ok. Then I upgraded deluge (on Vista) from 0.6 to 0.7 and again everything was running smoothly. Though, when I upgraded it to 1.1-rc3 problems started! Although, deluge could start in Vista, when I was remotely connecting to the linux box nothing was appearing in the list of torrent files. Then I decided to downgrade it to 0.6. I tried 0.6, 0.7 but nothing !!! the deluge was not even able of loading.

Any how, the solution to this problem is related to a clean uninstalling! Apart from uninstalling deluge from 'control panel-programs and features' you also have to: i) remove the directory of deluge e.g. c:\program files\[i]delugei (since some files are not automatically deleted),and ii) remove the 'deluge' directory that is created inside the following path: C:\Users\[i]<username>i\AppData\Roaming\[i]Delugei

After performing the above steps I could downgrade deluge without any problems (and run ok, as before).


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