Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#59 Fixed please add a "country" column on "torrent peers" plugin anonymous

using on ubuntu gutsy.

It would be nice to sort the peers by country. Thanks :)

#60 Fixed peer selection connection attempt enhancement markybob anonymous

i have the impression, that the peers to whom deluge tries to connect are selected from the highest ip number down to the lower ones (starting above 220.x.x.x)
I don't know if this is correct, but this is not a good behaviour. random or sorted by ping-time would be much better, because here in europe always starting with peers in australia and the far east doesn't make much sense.

#61 Invalid some completed files are missing untill full download complete markybob anonymous

I'm downloading a torrent which contains several files. While the torrent still not fully downloaded (on compact allocation mode), the completed files are not visible on hard disk.

ways to reproduce the bug:

  1. start downloading a torrent (a movie torrent will do - most movie torrents contain the main movie file and a much smaller sample file).
  2. most chances are that the smaller file (the sample clip in our example) will be fully downloaded first.
  3. after it does (while the torrent is still not fully downloaded) - go to your temporary downloads folder and see that the sample file is not there.
  4. pause the torrent and check again - the file will suddenly appear.

this only happens with small (2-5mb) files.

I'm using the version on ubuntu gutsy repositories:

thanks :)

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