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Results (58 - 60 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#237 WontFix [PATCH] plugins: Teach TorrentPeers to block IP andar

It gets really annoying when you encounter mis-behaved users, but not being able to block them in real time.

This patch adds a popup menu to the "Peers" tab. When clicking on a peer, a menu popups asking whether you want to block the user or not.

For this real time thing to work, we need to be able to add IPs to filter without having to reset it every time.

#239 Fixed several blocklist problems andar danii

sometimes the plugin doesn't load all IP ranges or the an incorrect amount of IPs is shown in the status bar
downloading the list manually from the plugin preferences fails every time with a timeout
recently whenever I restart the daemon and gtkui the plugin preferences seem to disappear, see the screenshot

#244 WorksForMe display of gtk clients not updated after adding a torrent andar


I use the nightlies on ubuntu hardy.

The display of the list of torrents is not always updated correctly. One such occurence is after adding or deleting a torrent from the session. The new torrent will not show up in the gtk client until after a reconnect from the gtk ui to the core. Likewise, a deleted torrent will continue to be shown.



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