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Results (61 - 63 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1582 Fixed Wrong path separator returned when moving storage in Windows Calum WillyWolly

Using the file dialog screen, the save path for a torrent gets saved with backward slashes (as visible in the 'Save Path' column). But when the location is changed afterwards using the file dialog screen those back slashes become forward slashes.

#1599 Duplicate Move storage should move just the files, not the directories if something else is in there WillyWolly

When moving a torrent with 'move storage', it moves the whole folder with everything in it. I think this is very non-default behaviour. Normally, such programs only move the torrent's files and move directories only when there are no other files; otherwise recreate them at the new location.

Maybe current functionality could be optional using a checkbox when moving.

#1624 WorksForMe [win32] 'Add Torrent' does not close when adding a large number of torrents WillyWolly

When adding a large number of torrents (50 or so) via the 'Add torrent' dialogue, with the 'File' button, the window does not close after clicking 'Add'. It stays, and some of the elements on it disappear. Clicking the X in the upper right corner won't close it either. The only thing that works is opening the 'Add torrent' screen again; then the old one goes away.

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