Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2199 Invalid After sleep Deluge doesn't accept incoming connections anymore WillyWolly

When I suspend my system (Windows 7 x64), using eigher sleep or hibernate, upon waking the system the "test active port" test for incoming connections fails consistently. Restarting Deluge resolves it.

This might be exclusive to Windows though, or libtorrent's win32 implementation.

This is unrelated to UPnP - I have it disabled and use manual port forwarding (note that there is another problem with Windows sleep and UPnP).

I'd like to hear if anyone else has this problem or if it's caused by something else in my setup.

#972 Invalid how to upload to torrent flux markybob

Deluge have made it hard to upload to torrent flux when i was using utorrent all i did was browse from torrent flux to my computer c\documents and settings\my name\application data\utorrent then double click the file i wanted to upload to torrent flux and that was it simple but how do i do this with deluge.I need a client thats easy to upload to my seed box and i rather use deluge than utorrent.

#3077 Fixed Good job WHsQ8IzlVpTWoYZKcdYt

I thought I'd found an issue but I was wrong.

So instead... Nice work! :D

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