Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#102 WorksForMe priority status lost on files after crash markybob anonymous

Running Windows XP on a laptop. Torrent has humpteen files. When first opened, I select All, set them to "don't download", then select the few I want and set them to "normal". time passes. Suspend the laptop. Wake the laptop and notice message that deluge has crashed. (I guess that's a different bug). Eventually restart deluge. Notice all files in torrent are set to normal.

#105 WorksForMe After verifying integrity on any torrent, attempting to resume seeding only shows "Interrupt 100%" in status markybob

As I said- it is very easy to reproduce here- after finishing to download any torrent verify integrity and attempt to get it to seed. Won't work even after restart.

#120 WorksForMe Crash when deleting a torrent that's being checked markybob anonymous

Every time I delete a torrent that's being checked (already started with another client [Azureus Vuze]) Deluge crashes. The another client isn't running.

I'm using Windows Vista.

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