Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3037 Fixed Show creator field in torrent details UI Calum wh2k13

As most torrent creation tools set the creator field, it would be helpful to show the value of this field in the Deluge client. Many other clients such as uTorrent and rtorrent already do this.

#885 Fixed Unable to load some poorly writen torrent files andar

I am using version 1.1.6. gtkui fail to load the above torrent. See below for the output of deluge -L debug

[DEBUG ] 12:54:32 common:53 Attempting to open /home/haomin/dev/torrents/a.torrent. [DEBUG ] 12:54:32 addtorrentdialog:196 Unable to open torrent file: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xba in position 28: unexpected code byte

The encoding of this file is gbk but not utf8. Is there any workarounds? Could you improve the auto-detection method of deluge or allow user choose encoding manually?

#924 Duplicate Deluge generate a huge number of XPropertyEvent andar

I am using Ubuntu Jaunty. This problem appears several days ago after I upgrade deluge to version 1.1.7 from launchpad PPA. It seems that deluge generate more than 600 XPropertyEvent every second, and my windows manager (dwm) becomes busy handling those events and eat all CPU.

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