Custom Query (2447 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (70 - 72 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#262 Invalid Include ftp support andar

Please include ftp download support to deluge and make it the complete download manager for Gnome. Thanks

#263 Invalid can't connect to daemon andar danii


with clean config connect to daemon in gtk ui fails with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 182, in _on_new_core
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 194, in start
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 114, in start
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 126, in start_component
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 132, in start
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 170, in update_core_config
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 380, in set_default_options"chk_private").set_active(
TypeError: an integer is required
#269 Invalid Deluged segfaults when torrent is finished andar Joose

Deluge is running on Ubuntu 8.04, using webui and latest (3206) revision. upnp is on.

When download finishes:

[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:90 torrent_finished_alert: torrent has finished downloading
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:524 on_alert_torrent_finished
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:527 d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106 is finished..
[DEBUG   ] torrent:225 Setting d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106's state to Seeding
[DEBUG   ] torrent:511 Saving fastresume file: /home/deluge/.config/deluge/state/d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106.fastresume
Segmentation fault

After that when you try restarting deluged:

[INFO    ] main:93 Deluge daemon
[DEBUG   ] main:94 options: {'config': None, 'port': None, 'donot': True}
[DEBUG   ] main:95 args: []
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:44 ConfigManager started..
[INFO    ] main:100 Starting daemon..
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:69 get_config_dir: /home/deluge/.config/deluge
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:69 get_config_dir: /home/deluge/.config/deluge
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:69 get_config_dir: /home/deluge/.config/deluge
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:69 get_config_dir: /home/deluge/.config/deluge
[DEBUG   ] core:106 Core init..
[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered Core with ComponentRegistry..
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:88 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] config:47 Config created with filename: core.conf
[DEBUG   ] config:48 Config defaults: {'lsd': False, 'max_download_speed': -1.0, 'torrentfiles_location': '/home/deluge/.config/deluge/torrentfiles', 'state_location': '/home/deluge/.config/deluge/state', 'stop_seed_at_ratio': False, 'enc_in_policy': 1, 'queue_new_to_top': False, 'daemon_port': 58846, 'natpmp': False, 'autoadd_enable': False, 'upnp': False, 'utpex': False, 'max_download_speed_per_torrent': -1, 'max_active_seeding': -1, 'allow_remote': False, 'enabled_plugins': [], 'plugins_location': '/home/deluge/.config/deluge/plugins', 'download_location': '/home/deluge', 'queue_finished_to_bottom': False, 'compact_allocation': True, 'max_upload_speed': -1.0, 'max_connections_global': -1, 'enc_prefer_rc4': True, 'listen_ports': [6881, 6891], 'dht': False, 'stop_seed_ratio': 1.0, 'max_active_downloading': -1, 'prioritize_first_last_pieces': False, 'max_upload_speed_per_torrent': -1, 'enc_level': 2, 'max_connections_per_torrent': -1, 'add_paused': False, 'max_upload_slots_per_torrent': -1, 'enc_out_policy': 1, 'remove_seed_at_ratio': False, 'autoadd_location': '', 'max_upload_slots_global': -1, 'config_location': '/home/deluge/.config/deluge', 'random_port': True}
[INFO    ] core:123 Starting XMLRPC server on port 58846
[DEBUG   ] core:193 Starting libtorrent session..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for torrentfiles_location key..
[DEBUG   ] core:638 Unable to get previous torrentfiles_location: 'torrentfiles_location'
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for state_location key..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for listen_ports key..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for random_port key..
[DEBUG   ] core:671 random port value set to True
[DEBUG   ] core:685 listen port range set to 61489-61499
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for dht key..
[DEBUG   ] core:689 dht value set to False
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for upnp key..
[DEBUG   ] core:699 upnp value set to False
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for natpmp key..
[DEBUG   ] core:706 natpmp value set to False
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for utpex key..
[DEBUG   ] core:720 utpex value set to False
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for lsd key..
[DEBUG   ] core:713 lsd value set to False
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for enc_in_policy key..
[DEBUG   ] core:725 encryption value enc_in_policy set to 1..
[DEBUG   ] core:739 encryption settings:
			out_policy: enabled
		        in_policy: enabled
			level: both
			prefer_rc4: True
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for enc_out_policy key..
[DEBUG   ] core:725 encryption value enc_out_policy set to 1..
[DEBUG   ] core:739 encryption settings:
			out_policy: enabled
		        in_policy: enabled
			level: both
			prefer_rc4: True
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for enc_level key..
[DEBUG   ] core:725 encryption value enc_level set to 2..
[DEBUG   ] core:739 encryption settings:
			out_policy: enabled
		        in_policy: enabled
			level: both
			prefer_rc4: True
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for enc_prefer_rc4 key..
[DEBUG   ] core:725 encryption value enc_prefer_rc4 set to True..
[DEBUG   ] core:739 encryption settings:
			out_policy: enabled
		        in_policy: enabled
			level: both
			prefer_rc4: True
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_connections_global key..
[DEBUG   ] core:742 max_connections_global set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_upload_speed key..
[DEBUG   ] core:746 max_upload_speed set to -1.0..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_download_speed key..
[DEBUG   ] core:751 max_download_speed set to -1.0..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_upload_slots_global key..
[DEBUG   ] core:756 max_upload_slots_global set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:44 AlertManager initialized..
[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered AlertManager with ComponentRegistry..
[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered SignalManager with ComponentRegistry..
[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered PluginManager with ComponentRegistry..
[DEBUG   ] pluginmanagerbase:48 Plugin manager init..
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:88 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:69 get_config_dir: /home/deluge/.config/deluge
[DEBUG   ] pluginmanagerbase:95 Found plugin: Organize 0.1
[DEBUG   ] pluginmanagerbase:95 Found plugin: Test Plugin 1.0
[DEBUG   ] pluginmanagerbase:95 Found plugin: Block List 1.0
[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered TorrentManager with ComponentRegistry..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:95 TorrentManager init..
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:88 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered TorrentQueue with ComponentRegistry..
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:88 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_active_seeding key..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_active_downloading key..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_connections_per_torrent key..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:502 max_connections_per_torrent set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_upload_slots_per_torrent key..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:508 max_upload_slots_per_torrent set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_upload_speed_per_torrent key..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:513 max_upload_speed_per_torrent set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for max_download_speed_per_torrent key..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:518 max_download_speed_per_torrent set to -1..
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert torrent_finished_alert
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert torrent_paused_alert
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert torrent_checked_alert
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert tracker_reply_alert
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert tracker_announce_alert
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert tracker_alert
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert tracker_warning_alert
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert storage_moved_alert
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:71 Registered handler for alert file_error_alert
[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered AutoAdd with ComponentRegistry..
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:88 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for autoadd_enable key..
[DEBUG   ] autoadd:116 _on_autoadd_enable
[DEBUG   ] config:158 Registering function for autoadd_location key..
[DEBUG   ] autoadd:123 _on_autoadd_location
[DEBUG   ] component:125 Starting component Core..
[DEBUG   ] component:125 Starting component AlertManager..
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:90 listen_succeeded_alert: listening on interface
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:90 listen_succeeded_alert: listening on interface [::]:61489
[DEBUG   ] component:125 Starting component SignalManager..
[DEBUG   ] component:125 Starting component PluginManager..
[DEBUG   ] component:125 Starting component TorrentManager..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:416 Opening torrent state file for load.
[DEBUG   ] torrentqueue:187 Setting queue size to 1..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:209 torrentmanager.add
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:174 Attempting to create torrent_info from /home/deluge/.config/deluge/state/d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106.torrent
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:258 options: {'max_download_speed_per_torrent': -1.0, 'prioritize_first_last_pieces': False, 'max_upload_speed_per_torrent': -1.0, 'max_connections_per_torrent': -1, 'download_location': '/home/deluge', 'file_priorities': [1, 1, 1], 'compact_allocation': True, 'max_upload_slots_per_torrent': -1}
[DEBUG   ] component:149 Pausing component AlertManager..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:290 handle id: d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106
[DEBUG   ] torrent:51 Creating torrent object d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:88 Getting config 'core.conf'
[DEBUG   ] torrent:166 Setting trackers for d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106: [{'url': '', 'tier': 0}, {'url': 'udp://', 'tier': 0}]
[DEBUG   ] torrent:178 tier: 0 tracker:
[DEBUG   ] torrent:178 tier: 0 tracker: udp://
[DEBUG   ] torrent:148 setting d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106's file priorities: [1, 1, 1]
[DEBUG   ] torrent:119 Torrent object created.
[DEBUG   ] component:159 Resuming component AlertManager..
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:90 fastresume_rejected_alert: missing slot list
[DEBUG   ] torrentqueue:219 Inserting torrent d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106 at position 0..
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:306 state: <deluge.core.torrentmanager.TorrentState instance at 0x83249ec>
[DEBUG   ] pluginmanager:147 run_post_session_load
[DEBUG   ] torrent:191 set_state_based_on_ltstate: 1
[DEBUG   ] component:125 Starting component AutoAdd..
[DEBUG   ] component:149 Pausing component AutoAdd..
[DEBUG   ] component:125 Starting component TorrentQueue..
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:90 torrent_finished_alert: torrent has finished downloading
[DEBUG   ] alertmanager:90 torrent_checked_alert: torrent finished checking
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:524 on_alert_torrent_finished
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:527 d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106 is finished..
[DEBUG   ] torrent:225 Setting d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106's state to Seeding
[DEBUG   ] torrent:511 Saving fastresume file: /home/deluge/.config/deluge/state/d531a6e28c015ea568bc928d4b867243921bb106.fastresume
[DEBUG   ] torrentmanager:558 on_alert_torrent_checked
Segmentation fault

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.