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Results (76 - 78 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1321 Duplicate UPnP/NAT-PMP does not reopen ports when closed wart

Deluge should attempt to reopen ports that were opened via UPnP or NAT-PMP when they suddenly become closed. This can happen (for example) when the main gateway router is rebooted but the computer system behind the router is still running Deluge (unaware of the reboot).

Some other clients like Vuze seem to already handle this case. But in my testing of 1.3.0-rc1, Deluge does not reopen the ports.

#1900 WorksForMe Remember Size Of Tabs Area war59312


Can you please have Deluge remember the size of the tabs area (status, details, files, etc).

I like to keep it a certain size.

Getting tired of having to re-size it every time on launch.

Makes sense to simply have it remember the size.



#2315 Fixed [Win32] GUI Gets Lost When Using Minimize to Tray Andrew


I've been experiencing a problem wherein the window completely disappears after minimizing to tray. I'm not sure what triggers it, but I think it involves using the "show deluge" menu option rather than double-clicking the icon, and it might happen only when the window is already minimized.

When this bug occurs, attempting to restore the window from the system tray causes it to appear in the taskbar window list but nowhere on screen. The problem is not resolved by restarting deluge or the PC.

After some investigation, I was finally able to restore the window by modifying the gtkui.conf file in AppData\Roaming\deluge. The window_y_pos field was set to -32000. I'm guessing that the field is set to that value in order to hide the window when minimizing to tray, and that for some reason it is not being restored. Aside from fixing the problem itself, perhaps this value should be checked at startup and set to a default value?

Thank you for your time, and for this wonderful piece of software.

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