Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3317 Fixed dictionary changed size during iteration JohnDoee

In my own plugin I create a server using reactor.listenTCP and in the disable function, I run "stopListening" to clean up.

When the plugin is loaded and I shut down Deluge, I get the "dictionary changed size during iteration" exception. The problem stems from this line:

If I change self.components.values() to list(self.components.values()) it all goes away.

#3316 Fixed Down Speed and Uploaded indicated wrong krychek

Just look at this picture. Down Speed means Uploaded, Uploaded means Down Speed. (Also what is K/s and G?)

#3310 Fixed "Session status key not valid" log spam Etienne Dechamps

After upgrading my Debian deluge package from 1.3.15-2 to 2.0.3-1, I am faced with the following message being dumped every second or so in the Deluge daemon output:

13:55:31 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: num_connections
13:55:32 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: dht_cache_nodes
13:55:32 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: num_connections
13:55:33 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: dht_cache_nodes
13:55:33 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: num_connections

My guess is that Deluge 2.0 is confused by old torrents from Deluge 1.3. Any ideas on how to make the log spam stop?

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