Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2210 Invalid Will Not Connect mocha459

I open Deluge and at the bottom there's an orange X that says 'Not Connected'. I am only able to click on the preferences and connection manager icons. When I used the app previously, I never had any problems connecting. I'm not sure what changed or if I could've messed with something, but I'm pretty sure it's not the latter as I wouldn't have any idea as to how to use the connection manager.

I'd appreciate a prompt response as this is the third time I've requested help for this very issue.

Furthermore, this whole ticket thing is really not user-friendly at all. I have no idea what type of problem I'm having, or I wouldn't be asking, I have no idea what 'milestone' or any of the options therein mean, I have no idea who in the world I would cc or assign this ticket to, or what the component category even means.

#1336 Fixed Width of columns in the "Files" tab Calum Mac

After every reboot of Ubuntu width of columns in the "Files" tab are reset and wider than width of whole Deluge window. And horisontal scrollbar appears.

#601 Invalid White window ! andar ToTo

After instalation deluge-torrent_1.0.5-1_amd64.gutsy.deb and run it i see only white window. I do not see any button etc.

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