Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2915 Upstream [LIBTORRENT] Deluge Shows Negative Peers Connected Doadin

Not sure if this is a libtorrent issue or just something needing to be fixed for lt 1.x. I know 1.x isnt supported yet just bringing this to light for the future if its something on our end.

#2919 Fixed Merge I2P settings into proxy for UIs Calum

The changes to libtorrent 1.1 combine I2P into proxy settings so the same should be done for the UIs.

#2920 Fixed Support lt 1.1 new settings/methods Calum

A lot of progress has been made and the develop branch now has almost full support for lt1.1 with only a few outstanding deprecated items to deal with.

  • Session stats still need converting
  • torrent_info.file_at now uses file_storage and should be able to get the required file_size with index directly.
  • Remove torrent_status.priority and associated config keys.

For reference the PR this ticket was created from:

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