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Results (82 - 84 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#193 Fixed Uploaded data amount increases when pausing/changin queue order andar anonymous

There is a bug in that increases the amount of uploaded data (and thereby the share ratio) when a torrent is paused or the order in the queue is changed (it does not appear however when the method of sorting is changed).

To reproduce:

Take a torrent having uploaded a fair amount of data during this session (preferably at least 10% of the total uploaded amount, that way it is more visible). When this torrent is paused or its queue order is changed (by moving it either up or down by one place or by queuing it to the top/bottom), the amount of uploaded data will increase by the amount already uploaded during this session. Also, when you change the queue order, every torrent that also changes queue order by this act will undergo the same increase.


In, the function pickle_state, which is supposed to write the statistics of the torrent in a file in case of a crash or upon closing, saves the amount of uploaded data to torrent.uploaded_memory. The problem is that this function is also called when changing queue order (by the functions queue_top, queue_up, queue_down and queue_bottom) and upon pausing (by set_user_pause), so that any of these actions transforms the amount U of uploaded data into U+x where x is the amount of data uploaded during the current session, so that after n of the actions, your uploaded data amounts to U+n*x; the solution is to either disable pickle_state in these cases (what I have done on my own client as a quick fix, I do not mind the higher vulnerability against crashed that much if it keeps my ratio safe) or to modify the function so as to only save to an external variable that will be restored upon starting Deluge.

Also, so far I have only seen reports of this problem on systems running linux (Ubuntu 8.04 to be more precise, see and, but I suppose that this could also happen under other operating systems (I did not test this though, so I might be wrong).

#195 Fixed Deluge ignore socks settings markybob Supermaks

Even when I setup all four socks proxies in configuration deluge anyway make direct connect to seeds and peers.

#196 Fixed Adding torrent problem, 'No such unique_ID.' andar


after adding new torrent to deluge I get:

Raising error: No such unique_ID. Unable to add torrent: 'No such unique_ID.' Raising error: No such unique_ID. Unable to save fastresume: 'No such unique_ID.' Raising error: No such unique_ID. Unable to scrape tracker 'No such unique_ID.'

and torrent doesn't show up in the gui list...

Here is what I get after restart Deluge:

Raising error: No such unique_ID. Unable to prioritize files: 'No such unique_ID.' Raising error: No such unique_ID. Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/bin/deluge", line 133, in ?


File "/usr/bin/deluge", line 116, in start_deluge

interface = deluge.interface.DelugeGTK()

File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 108, in init


File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 916, in apply_prefs


File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 1156, in apply_prefs


File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 1160, in apply_prefs_per_torrent


File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 1230, in set_max_connections_per_torrent


deluge.core.DelugeError: 'No such unique_ID.'

I use Gentoo x86_64

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