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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2735 Duplicate Blocklist plugin 3rror4o4 3rror4o4

Unable to import blocklist. Pressing "force download and import" makes deluge unresponsive and causes crush. Been using it for a while without a single glitch, until latest 1.3.11 update. This is a very annoying bug. If "import blocklist at startup" is enabled it causes deluge to add torrents paused by default and i'm unable to download afterwards, start downloading button doesn't respond. Using latest stable version of deluge 1.3.11-1; libtorrent:; downloaded from official Manjaro-Linux repository. Operating system: Linux Mangaro #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 01:17:30 UTC 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

#2829 Fixed Scheduler plugin cannot be disabled 5haffl


When trying to disable the Scheduler plugin via deluge-web, I get the following error message from deluged (deluged -L error):

[ERROR   ] 13:34:40 init:57 Unable to disable plugin!
[ERROR   ] 13:34:44 init:58 'PreferencesManager' object has no attribute 'do_config_set_func'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/", line 55, in disable
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Scheduler-0.2.egg/scheduler/", line 114, in disable
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Scheduler-0.2.egg/scheduler/", line 130, in __apply_set_functions
    component.get("PreferencesManager").do_config_set_func(setting, core_config[setting])
AttributeError: 'PreferencesManager' object has no attribute 'do_config_set_func'

Therefore, the plugin cannot be disabled. I've already made a pull request for this bug, which can be solved simply by replacing do_config_set_func with session_set_setting in (line 130) of the Scheduler plugin, according to the actual name of the method defined in core/

#1789 Duplicate scheduler does not return to global settings of upload speed (at least) 89esX

Scheduler works when going from green (global) to yellow (limited) settings but afterwards it never returns to global settings again (in my case - unlimited).

Settings effected: upload speed (I am not so sure if it effects download speed too)

This also happens if upload speed is _not_ unlimited (i.e. with any value).

Current workaround is to manually set upload speed to any value and then back to unlimited using bottom toolbar in web-ui.

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