Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1551 WorksForMe Changes made in webui preferences not saved to core.conf Vorg

Running thin client on debian x64 testing. Tried debian package, and git stable and master.

Using firefox on windows 7 computer to access deluge running on linux computer. Only change made in preferences window that seems to get recorded is changing the password. Setting, paths, up/download speeds, limits, etc.. are not written to core.conf. On closing the firefox tab, changes are lost.

#2264 Invalid More columns in webui Damien Churchill vockleya

Additional columns in the webui would be nice, (especially peers and seeders). There is plenty of space and they are useful columns to be able to view quickly.

#198 Fixed "Open containing folder ..." doesn't work markybob vln

Since version on Ubuntu 8.04 when clicking on "Open containing folder ..." in the torrents right-click menu nothing happens.

I don't know if it is related, but similar problem is with the save file dialog (when opening a new .torrent file): clicking "OK" doesn't work. I have to select "Cancel" and then "OK" again, only then the window closes after pressing "Enter". This should be OS's responsibility, but this particular dialog works in all other cases, except when used in Deluge.

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