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Results (88 - 90 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#308 WorksForMe opening a .torrent file from a browser opens a new gtkui andar danii


opening a .torrent file from a browser, in this case firefox 3, opens a new gtkui, I think deluge should check if there's a ui running and only if it doesn't exist open the torrent in the new ui, don't know if it is possible to open torrents directly for the console and web ui, if they are the ones being used but it would be a nice feature also I think only one ui of each type should be allowed to run per user, I don't see anyone wanting to use more than one ui at the same time

#311 Fixed Show tooltips in the statusbar andar sadrul

The attached patch adds some tooltip text to the statusbar items.

#313 Fixed Port forwarding not working on 0.6.0svn andar smbm

It's pretty much all in the title.

Working under and prior but not under 0.6.0svn.

A show stopper for me unfortunately.

Other than that it's looking really good. Thanks for all the work devs

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