Custom Query (2447 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (91 - 93 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#315 Duplicate 100% CPU Average andar anonymous

deluged 100% CPU if file doesn't exists.

debug: [DEBUG ] 11:35:16 alertmanager:90 scrape_failed_alert: Forbidden [DEBUG ] 11:35:28 alertmanager:90 peer_error_alert: packet > 1 MB (625029752 bytes) [DEBUG ] 11:37:16 torrentmanager:533 Saving torrent state file. [DEBUG ] 11:37:29 alertmanager:90 peer_error_alert: packet > 1 MB (625029752 bytes) [DEBUG ] 11:39:32 alertmanager:90 peer_error_alert: packet > 1 MB (625029752 bytes) [DEBUG ] 11:41:22 alertmanager:90 file_error_alert: open failed: '/home/terrabyte/video/Film.2001.RUS.HDRip.XviD.AC3.-HQ-ViDEO.avi'. No such file or directory Killed

#317 Fixed Update the torrentview when torrent status changes andar sadrul

If 'Downloading' is selected from the sidebar, and a torrent from the torrentview is paused (either from the gtkui itself, or from another ui), then the torrent remains in the view, although it doesn't match the selected filter. The attached patch fixes the issue (I have added inline comments explaining the changes made).

#318 Fixed Minor cleanups andar sadrul

Patch for some rather minor code cleanups.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.