Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#217 Fixed Additions to blocklist plugin markybob

I am new to Ubuntu and this is my first python plugin. I would really like to see it in the next version.


1) Adds preferences to blocklist config: "Show import dialog on startup" 2) If import dialog is enabled it will show it on startup or else it wont 3) It will still show the import dialog when changing the config (to avoid confusing people)


Many people start Deluge on system startup and they choose to start it minimized to the notification area. It is really annoying to have the import dialog popup for up to 5 minutes while you just want the program to run in the background.

#218 Fixed Settings not saved on exit (torrent order and max simultaneous active torrents) markybob Robbie

Similar to bug #203 with regard to order of torrents however:

1)I experience the order of torrents problem in 0.5.9 AND Also

2) Max simultaneous active torrents setting always reverts to 1 after a program restart.

I have downgraded to 0.5.8 and the problem goes away i.e. torrent order and max simultaneous active torrents are saved and are the same after a program restart.

I am using Deluge on Ubuntu 8.04.

Otherwise thanks for a great piece of software !

#222 Fixed Autoload corrupt torrent error andar anonymous

When I send one torrent file to my server, to my autoload directory, Deluge states that the torrent is corrupt. The error is due to Deluge trying to load the torrent before it has completely finished downloading.

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