Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#333 Invalid multiple trackers can occupy same tier andar anonymous

currently, multiple trackers can occupy the same tier in the "edit trackers" dialog. also, say there are only 2 trackers (0 and 1) and you remove 0, 1 should then become 0 but it does not.

#335 Fixed can not connect to ipv6 only tracker andar

I tested deluge against this tracker 0.6svn hung with: "Tracker Status: Announce Sent"

The client says: Alarm: SixXS IPv6 BitTorrent Tracker: This tracker only serves IPv6 clients, you are coming from x.x.x.x (HTTP-Code=400, Anzahl in der Reihe=3)

Deluge only send a ipv4 announce.

#338 Fixed "Classic mode" breaks client if server is not installed andar idomagic <>

If the deluge server is not installed locally, the default settings (that has "classic mode" enabled) breaks the client from starting properly and in effect freezing prior to showing any buttons or prompts.

Imho the ui should really use an if-then-else statement to verify that a server is present locally prior attempting to use it.

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