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Results (100 - 102 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#101 Invalid flexRSS plugins fails to download enclosed torrents markybob

Deluge includes an RSS plugin, flexrss, which I tried to download the Democracy Now daily programme. The RSS URL is

Direct links to the torrents are available at

Directly downloading the torrents works as expected. However, adding the rss file to the flexrss plugin, updating the feed and then selecting "download torrent" from the context menu of the latest programme does nothing.

The same rss feed works well with Azureus and the scaneRSS pluginṡ. I suspect that flexrss fails to parse the rss correctly.

This is the console output:

jr@lenny:~$ deluge checking for ubuntu... no existing Deluge session Starting new Deluge session... deluge_core; using libtorrent Compiled with NDEBUG. Applying preferences Pickling state... Scanning plugin dir /usr/share/deluge/plugins Initialising plugin TorrentFiles Initialising plugin Search Initialising plugin WebSeed Initialising plugin NetworkGraph Initialising plugin Scheduler Initialising plugin WebUi Initialising plugin FlexRSS Initialising plugin TorrentCreator Initialising plugin NetworkHealth Initialising plugin SpeedLimiter Initialising plugin TorrentNotification Initialising plugin EventLogging Initialising plugin TorrentPeers Initialising plugin BlocklistImport Initialising plugin MoveTorrent Initialising plugin DesiredRatio Applying preferences Starting DHT... Showing window Found TorrentFiles plugin... Found TorrentPeers plugin... Applying preferences Found FlexRSS plugin... Warning: torrent content-type not application/x-bittorrent Raising error: Unable to add torrent: Pickling state... Asked for a torrent that doesn't exist * FlexRSS error: unable to add torrent.

More information about the bug at

#102 WorksForMe priority status lost on files after crash markybob anonymous

Running Windows XP on a laptop. Torrent has humpteen files. When first opened, I select All, set them to "don't download", then select the few I want and set them to "normal". time passes. Suspend the laptop. Wake the laptop and notice message that deluge has crashed. (I guess that's a different bug). Eventually restart deluge. Notice all files in torrent are set to normal.

#103 Invalid Progress bar on main windows and the one in Torrent files plugin shows a different percentage markybob

The progress bar on main window shows a different percentage than the progress bar(s) in the Torrent files plugin tab.

Here is a picture of a bug:

As you can see, the main window progress bar shows the percentage at 25% while the one in Torrent files plugin is at 2.95%.

It seems that the progress bar in the main window is the 'correct' one because the download complete when main window's progress bar reaches 100%, but if I do force recheck, then the progress bar on main window get reset to the same value as the one in Torrent files plugin (in this cases, 2.95%).

Neither restart Deluge nor delete .config/deluge folder fix this issue.

This also effects torrent with multiply files in it.

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