Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1083 Fixed WEBUI: "Remote Torrent" "Remove With Data" has dangerous inconsistent order compared with GTKUI andar H3g3m0n

In the "remove torrent" option in the GTK client the order is: "Cancel", "Remove With Data", "Remote Torrent"

In the webui its: "Cancel", "Remote Torrent", "Remove With Data"

This is inconsistent and can result in lost data to the careless.

I kind of think the "Remove With Data" should be a separate menu choice with a "are you sure you want to nuke that?" confirmation box.

#1831 Invalid WebUI Problem Damien Churchill lucasaabueno

Hi there, I'm having a little problem with the WebUI, when I select the plugin as active, and click on the WebUI tab, instead of appearing the settings for the plugin, this message appears: "The Deluge web interface is not installed, please install the interface and try again "what should I do?

#573 Invalid webui problem mvoncken anonymous

There is a little problem in the classic skin, on the details page of a torrent


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