Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#949 Fixed 1.1.8' GtkUI cannot parse one torrent but 1.1.7's GtkUI can do it. andar ankouslash

Deluge 1.1.8 GtkUI cannot parse attached torrent (Nothing displayed in Add torrents dialog) but 1.1.7 can do it.

Platform: Linux python-cahrdet version 1.0.1

#1059 Fixed Blocked IP ranges is always displayed "0" John Garland ankouslash

Blocked IP ranges is always displayed "0" in status bar even if Blocklist plugin is enabled. (I don't confirm that Blocklist plugin works or not)

Versions: libtorrent-rasterbar 0.14.5, Python 2.6.4

Platform: Arch Linux

#1060 WontFix After open a file from files tab, cpu (core) load become almost 100% andar ankouslash

After open one file from Files tab in GtkUI window (by context menu), deluge's cpu (core) load become almost 100%.

Python version: 2.6.4 Platform: Arch Linux

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.