Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (109 - 111 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#253 Fixed Torrents restart from zero everytime markybob Duffy

I have two torrents that restart from 0% finished everytime I restart my computer. Yesterday I restarted my computer with both torrents on 20-30% finished, after the restart they began on 0% again. Recheck does not help.

#254 Fixed cant run multiple torrent downloads markybob anonymous

hi, i am running on vista 32 bit, my problem is that i can only download 1 torrent at a time, if i set off more than 1 torrent then the program freezes and have to do a reboot, i have had the same problems on the last 3 previous versions as well.

problem 2, when i select the fast resume file to continue the torrent nothing happens when the program opens,i,e, no torrent found.

thanks for your time.

#255 Fixed Download / upload rate is broken markybob

I have three torrents that already finished download. They show some upload / download rate. If I start changing the priority of each (pressing the "up" and "down" buttons, reordering them in the window), that rate just changes upwards like crazy (they wen from around 0.7 to 9.3 in six or seven reorders).

I'm using Deluge installed from apt-get in Hardy Heron, Deluge

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