Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3602 Fixed Add torrent dialog removes directory from file tree Bro Bro

When adding a torrent that contains one directory with one file inside, the directory is not included in the tree view. This has been the behavior since the dawn of time, presumable due to the mistaken beleif that the directory was not needed. All other torrent clients include the directory even if there is only one file inside

#2169 Fixed Add Torrent Dialog's ' Download Location' not set correctly when directory typed into Other->Location field Calum Serge

When I add a new torrent from Mozilla Firefox by choosing "Open with" it is difficult to set up desired save path in adding torrent dialog. I sighted that if I switch between tabs in that dialog then save path sets correctly, but else it sets to my home directory. I run it in KDE.

#2826 Fixed add_torrent_file missing base64.encodestring filedata Calum kengichan

when I try create_torrent with add_to_session=True

filedump need base64.encodestring first

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