Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#508 WorksForMe Selecting "Other..." as download directory doesnt work andar

Deluge downloads to the default directory even after selecting a different directory to download to. Note: This only seems to occur when using the "Other..." option in the directory selection process.

Steps to reproduce: 1 - Add torrent 2 - In the download location dropdown list, select other 3 - Select a directory 4 - Deluge ignores selection and downloads to default download directory

#511 WorksForMe warn when trying to reactivate an automatically paused seed andar

I think it would be very nice of deluge if it warned me in the following situation instead of sitting there apparently doing nothing:

1) set a seed to stop at ration 1 for example 2) wait until the seed is automatically paused 3) try to unpause it

deluge will immediately repause the seed (as it was told to do, no complaints here). The gtk ui (and maybe even the webui) should if possible warn the user that the seed cannot be activated unless that auto-pause option is changed or deactivatd.

#537 WorksForMe pb on screen preference andar les.subilleau

i have installed the Deluge 1.0.1 version 32 bits Windows os and when i access to the preference screen, all options are disabled. I can't choose my own port. With the old version, i haven't encounter this problem. Pending, i keep my old version

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