Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2413 Fixed Add torrent from link doesn't work with split client/server Jeff

If you use deluge in split client/server mode, when you launch it from a magnet URL, it launches deluge, but forgets about the URL you clicked. To add the torrent you need to first launch deluge, then click the URL.

Steps to reproduce: 1). Have a Deluge server running 2). Have Deluge client set up to connect to it 3). Click a Magnet URL

Expected results:

  • Deluge launches, add dialog opens

Actual results:

  • Deluge launches, nothing added
#1715 Fixed AddTorrentsDialog does not display the filename updates when switching between multiple torrents Calum aguenter

Hope this isn't a dupe, but if it is my search-fu failed apologies.

In the 1.3.1 GTK UI it is impossible to change the path structure of more than one torrent when adding multiple torrents at a time. After making changes to a directory or file name in a torrent's path structure, selecting a different torrent in the torrents list will cause those changes to be discarded.

#1883 Duplicate Add Torrents dialog is missing the label field Vladimir Berezhnoy
Batch Modify
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