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Results (118 - 120 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1177 Fixed add torrents not work "Fake_path" Damien Churchill lk29

Click "Add" Click "File" Click "Browse" and select torrents file and .. in File: adds strang path C:\Fake_path Click Add Please Wait... Uploading you torrents ... ...and you can wait forever

Browser Opera 10.10 deluge git on 2010-03-14 03:58

#835 Fixed Add torrents Stopped/Paused andar anonymous

I can't seem to add torrents stopped. This feature worked fine in previous releases, but ever since I upgraded to 1.1.4 it hasn't.

I believe the issue may be related to me turning off the Add Torrent dialog. It also turns off the "add paused" option (or however it is worded) for some reason. It didn't used to.

It would be nice to have this option back - in the Preferences menu, this time.

This feature was also requested in ticket 599 - although I consider it more of a design defect, than a complete "feature".

Only being able to use a useful option under certain limited circumstances is silly. If you apply the same design choice to something else, like bolding... it'd be very silly only being able to bold titles rather than individual words in a post.

#434 Invalid Add Torrent window should remember previous download locations andar

The pull-down menu in the GTK Add Torrents window should remember previous locations.

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