Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#472 Fixed In all other versions, it showed the % of the peers/leechers completion, now there is nothing andar

Ive used almost all the Deluge versions. This final release Deluge 0.9.08 however does not show the % that the leechers are at/completed. Any way to include this like before?

#2235 Fixed gtkui exception after add torrent Tydus

Sometimes gtkui didn't update after add a torrent, debug said exceptions.KeyError (on the new torrent), seems the new torrent's info didn't received (sth. wrong in core or lost in the net).

Unhandled error in Deferred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "twisted/internet/", line 460, in doRead

  File "deluge\ui\", line 183, in dataReceived

  File "twisted/internet/", line 280, in callback

  File "twisted/internet/", line 354, in _startRunCallbacks

--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "twisted/internet/", line 371, in _runCallbacks

  File "deluge\ui\", line 182, in on_status

exceptions.KeyError: 'ac8eed4...'

#2281 WontFix [PATCH] Add total_wanted_done into status and display in UI Tydus

I'm writing a plugin for deluge and I wan't to get the on-disk size of a torrent. I found status.total_wanted_done is the nearest, but it's strange that it cannot be seen from torrent.get_status(). I used to use uTorrent and it has both "total size, total wanted, total wanted done" on its UI, but it seems deluge only have the 2nd one? has the comparation between all_time_download and total_wanted_done.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.