Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3208 Fixed Ubuntu Deluge Python 3 fails to start renato

Latest dev update 7285 pulls into ubuntu many gtk 3 libs, then it's impossible to load it.

error from terminal is: double free or corruption (out) Annullato (core dump creato)

#3206 Invalid Impossible to seed ciryl

hi everybody !

I installed Deluge and all dependencies on my VPS Debian Jessie But I have an issue... Download side, no problem, I can download any file in a few seconds. But it's impossible to upload anything... When I make a "tcpdump -i eth0 port 6336 and dst host my.ip" I can see traffic but I don't know why they can't download... Anyone could help me please

#3205 Fixed Prune oldest state archive Calum

Currently if a bad shutdown is detected the state folder is archived under ~/.config/deluge/archive and seems to be working well.

However there is currently no limit to the number of archives that can be created. So I propose that if 15 archives already exist, the archive with the oldest date should be deleted.

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