Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2981 Duplicate Deluge Crashes When Started Chronike14

When ever I start deluge it launches and the crashed saying that Deluge Bittorrent Client has stopped working. I have re-downloaded Deluge multiple time since this started.

#2983 Invalid Feture Request: Detect when partition is mounted BryanFRitt

Someone can forget to mount an external drive that has torrents on it, then start up Deluge. Deluge will then try to redownload everything. I have to stop it. Remount the drive and then do a 'Force Re-check' on the torrents.(and maybe check to see if any data was added to unmounted mount point.) All this takes time. Time could be saved if Deluge could/would compare the partition(s) where it has been stored to where it will be stored, if it's not the same give the user some notification like "partition for torrent storage not mounted", and allow mounting and retrying without having to a Force Re-check.

related shell command: df -P filename/and/path/goes/here | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f 1

Note: which one counts as which may change. e.g. sda6 may not be the same as sda6 the next time. It might be better to use the UUID.

#2985 Fixed Cannot download win version Kuszkusz



You don't have permission to access /windows/deluge-1.3.14-win32-py2.7.exe on this server.

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