Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#45 Fixed separate maximum active torrents from torrents that are seeding andar anonymous

i am trying the best way to describe it but basically so that for example you could have 1 torrent downloading and two torrents seeding and when the torrent downloading finishes it starts the next one in the queue and the finished torrents goes to seed and it doesn't affect the overall amount of maximum active torrents

another example

Max No. of torrents Downloading: 1 Max No. of torrents Seeding: 3

something setup like that instead of just

Maximum simultaeneus active torrents: 4

#46 WontFix change default PREFIX to /usr/local markybob anonymous

Since most projects do it this way and to not interfere with software managed by the system under /usr, I would suggest to change the default install PREFIX to /usr/local.

#47 Fixed Deluge lost all configuration and torrents when out of disk space. andar anonymous

Hello, I was running deluge and when disk space run out deluge give me number of messages saying "can't write to file" or something.. Then I closed deluge, freed some disk space and started deluge. And now deluge has lost all configuration and torrents. And the default values was in use.

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