Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2286 Duplicate Add "Trackers" tab to gtkui and webui. Jacob

I really enjoy using deluge gtkui at home and the webui on my server.

But since deluge supports multiple trackers now, I was thinking it would be nice if they had their own tab like in other popular bittorrent clients. Maybe have details about the tracker in said tab, like: announce status, time until next announce, seeds/peers scraped from the tracker. Perhaps move the adding/removing trackers feature from the Options tab into this new tab too.

Would this be a possibility for a future release?

#2490 Fixed Add UI code to display external IP Calum

I added the alert [64fd94e51], just need to add to the status bars in the UIs.

#334 WontFix Add url does not accept url-encoded characters markybob anonymous

If a url has url-encoded characters, the add url option in the system tray fails. This effects the main gui (File->Add Url) too.

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