Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#451 Fixed Add vertical scroll bar to sidebar in GTK UI andar anonymous


Using a 1024x768 screen resolution & having around 45+ active torrents and 6+ trackers with the sidebar visible the size of the details tab at the bottom gets squished down too much.

The required vertical height of the sidebar is so big there isn't enough space left at the bottom.

I'd like to turn on labels - but that makes the bottom panel too small to use.

Suggested Solution(s):

  • Add a vertical scrollbar to the sidebar and not display the entire sidebar
  • Enable expanding / collapsing status, tracker (and with label plug-in label) sections to reduce required vertical real estate for sidebar.
#1060 WontFix After open a file from files tab, cpu (core) load become almost 100% andar ankouslash

After open one file from Files tab in GtkUI window (by context menu), deluge's cpu (core) load become almost 100%.

Python version: 2.6.4 Platform: Arch Linux

#839 Fixed After renaming download directory, it cannot be moved. andar

Every multi-file torrent downloads into a directory with the same name as the torrent. If I rename that directory (In the 'Files' tab), then I later want to move the directory (Using rightclick-'Move Storage'), it fails to do so. I'm guessing this is because it's trying to move using the original name.

[The move after completion fails in the same way -- if I rename the directory while downloading, it doesn't move it once it's done.]

=============================== Completely Hypothetical Example ===============================

Torrent named "Sexy lampshades hothotxxx.torrent", containing some very sexy lampshades.

Initially it is set to download to:

/home/anonymous/NewDLs/Sexy lampshades hothotxxx/

Then I rename it (in 'Files') to conceal my lampshade fetish:

/home/anonymous/NewDLs/Tax Reports 2002/

However, I later decide that I want to move it to a different location, while still being nice and seeding to the world, so I try to 'Move Storage' to an existing directory:


Then I would ideally have lampshade fetish material deeply hidden in my work folder, at

/home/anonymous/Work/Tax Reports 2002/

However, the move has no effect and it remains in NewDLs.

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