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Results (130 - 132 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1003 X and Y coordinates of GUI window are set to -32000 after using multiple displays markybob

After using multiple moitors the settings for 'window_y_pos' and 'window_x_pos' in gtkui.conf are set to -32000 due to that when I try to show the window it is not displayed but there is a buton on the tray bar showing that the window is active somewhere, also when I move the mouse over this button I can see image of the window ( it is in windows7 ), but I can't normally make the window show up. In order to show the window I have to close the GUI, manually change the values of the 'window_y_pos' and 'window_x_pos' and start the gui again.

#1125 Name of Country of last two IPs doesn't appear corectly. Trizen

Go to "Peer tab" and just hold the cursor up on the last flag available.. and the name of Country doesn't appear beside of flag.. the name appear on horizontal bar..


P.S. Sorry for my bad English!

#2324 Fixed deluge and crypto_provide tristen

deluge gtk appears to be requesting libtorrent to send an incorrect bitfield for crypto_provide on outbound connections.

original forum post:

libtorrent ticket:

in a nutshell, deluge gtk is sending via libtorrent:

bitfield 0x00 instead of 0x01 when requesting handshake/plaintext encryption from the outbound peer.

bitfield 0x01 instead of 0x02 when requesting fullstream encryption from the outbound peer.

bitfield 0x02 instead of 0x03 when requesting the outbound peer choose their preferred encryption method.

the implications of this vary depending on which encryption method the user has selected in the gui.

worst case scenario is no outbound peering occurs if the user has selected handshake/plaintext encryption as their encryption method.

outbound peering appears to occur for "fullstream" and "choose" but i suspect the encryption level selected by the peer is actually always "handshake/plaintext" and "fullstream" respectively. however i'm not 100% sure of this, it's a suspicion.

regards tristen

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