Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2199 Invalid After sleep Deluge doesn't accept incoming connections anymore WillyWolly

When I suspend my system (Windows 7 x64), using eigher sleep or hibernate, upon waking the system the "test active port" test for incoming connections fails consistently. Restarting Deluge resolves it.

This might be exclusive to Windows though, or libtorrent's win32 implementation.

This is unrelated to UPnP - I have it disabled and use manual port forwarding (note that there is another problem with Windows sleep and UPnP).

I'd like to hear if anyone else has this problem or if it's caused by something else in my setup.

#105 WorksForMe After verifying integrity on any torrent, attempting to resume seeding only shows "Interrupt 100%" in status markybob

As I said- it is very easy to reproduce here- after finishing to download any torrent verify integrity and attempt to get it to seed. Won't work even after restart.

#422 Duplicate A good graphic traffic display markybob

I guess we need a good graphic display.

After reviewing lots of p2p software (starting from edonkey2000, to mldonkey, deluge etc.) I think a good traffic graphic should have these;

1) A wide span. It should be able to display traffic in means of second, minute, hour and day. Thus will be able to display ten-thirty days of traffic.

2) An aritmetic mean. It would be fine to have an average displayed on the graph.

3) Ability to reset the counter.

If you could supply these I think it will be very satisfactory.

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