Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#61 Invalid some completed files are missing untill full download complete markybob anonymous

I'm downloading a torrent which contains several files. While the torrent still not fully downloaded (on compact allocation mode), the completed files are not visible on hard disk.

ways to reproduce the bug:

  1. start downloading a torrent (a movie torrent will do - most movie torrents contain the main movie file and a much smaller sample file).
  2. most chances are that the smaller file (the sample clip in our example) will be fully downloaded first.
  3. after it does (while the torrent is still not fully downloaded) - go to your temporary downloads folder and see that the sample file is not there.
  4. pause the torrent and check again - the file will suddenly appear.

this only happens with small (2-5mb) files.

I'm using the version on ubuntu gutsy repositories:

thanks :)

#69 Invalid deluge will create the files that were choosen not to download markybob anonymous

Situation: there were multiple files or multiple directories in a torrent, I choose not to download some of them before download begins. But deluge will still create the files (directories) that were choosen not to download. This was inconvenient when there was much file in a torrent and I only want to download very few of them.

#72 Fixed GUI doesn't update markybob anonymous

The GUI sometimes doesn't update (neither the detailed information nor the torrent list refreshes.) If deluge is minimized and maximized, or hidden and unhidden, then the UI updates. The detailed information updates if tabs are clicked (ex. to update "Details" click the "Peers" or "Files" tab and then click "Details" again.)

Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.