Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#395 Fixed moving files from the gtk client no longer works andar

using zachtib's packages (uptodate) on hardy

steps to reproduce:
1. right click on a torrent in the gtk client
2. choose "move storage"

nothing happens. nothing at all

#399 Invalid Downloading 'Do not download' files andar anonymous

I have torrents with some 100% downloaded with 'normal' priority and some 0% downloded files that have priority 'Do not download'. If i start such torrent then files that in 'Do not download' state begins downloading.

#404 Fixed Cursor should not appear in some tabs. andar helios91940

Hi! Cursors in statistics and details tabs should not be available. I think it's a bit ugly. Thank you for your great job! (and forgive me for my bad english)

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