Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#689 Invalid Ajax WebUI through a SSL tunnel, does not load the list of torrents mvoncken egoguerillas

I am using a SSL tunnel to connect to my home computer. The first connection displays the overall web page, without any torrents. Forcing refresh does not address the issue.

Change to standard template and then back to Ajax template and the torrents appear.

#620 Fixed Allow creation of new folders in the files tab andar ari-_-e

There should be a way of creating new folders to put stuff in in the files tab. I am aware that renaming a file to "something/" will put it in a new folder, but this is rather awkward and isn't very convenient if you need to put a lot of stuff in a new folder. I guess the new folder wouldn't really be real until something was put into it.

#145 Invalid Allow custom up/down speed settings for each torrent markybob

In the situation of downloading torrents with several priorities, a user should be able to set custom up/down ie limit the speed or allow full bandwidth to particular torrents unlike the present situation where the speeds are set globally.

Right click on any torrent should give options to set speeds.

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