Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#975 WorksForMe Deluge version in "About" still at 1.1.6 andar r3fuG4d0

I've updated Deluge from deluge jaunty repositories to version 1.1.9-2 but it still says in "About" that I'm using version 1.1.6 :)

#1022 WorksForMe When one client has connection problems, two clients are disconnected from daemon. andar 3l3nril

I have two GTK clients connected to daemon with one username. when one of those clients time-outs and is disconnected the other one is disconnected too. daemon runs on Ubuntu 9.04 server (i686), one client is on Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop (AMD_64) and the other one is on Gentoo (AMD64). deluged.log is empty

#1023 WorksForMe torrent files renamed when "copy of .torrent to:" is enabled andar 3l3nril

I've enabled "copy of .torrent to:" but all files in destination directory are without ".torrent" extension (line when you do basename torrent_file.torrent .torrent)

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.