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Results (139 - 141 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#307 Fixed Some UI update patches andar sadrul

I am going to attach a couple of patches in here for some minor UI updates:

  • gtkui_preference_toggle_updates.patch:

Makes the filechooser buttons [in]sensitive depending on the state of the corresponding checkbuttons in the preference dialog. Does the same check for the 'Stop seeding' setting too.

  • gtkui_disable_options_tab.patch:

When no torrent is selected in the torrentview, the tabs at the bottom (Statistics, Details etc.) are cleared, except 'Options'. This patch makes the child widgets within the tab insensitive. I also considered hiding the child widget, but making them insensitive looked better :)

  • gtkui_update_main_window_torrents_menu.patch:

This updates the 'Torrent' menu in the main window as the selection in the torrent-view is changed. With the current patch, the menu is enabled only if at least one torrent is selected, otherwise it's disabled. The Pause/Resume/Remove menuitems should probably be disabled/enabled using the same logic as those used in But this patch doesn't include that part, since I thought perhaps it'd be good to not have to duplicate the same logic in two places.

#311 Fixed Show tooltips in the statusbar andar sadrul

The attached patch adds some tooltip text to the statusbar items.

#313 Fixed Port forwarding not working on 0.6.0svn andar smbm

It's pretty much all in the title.

Working under and prior but not under 0.6.0svn.

A show stopper for me unfortunately.

Other than that it's looking really good. Thanks for all the work devs

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