Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3159 WontFix Random crashes (could be realted to libtorrent alerts code) rbogorodskiy

Deluge crashes randomly, most often it happens right after start. While crashing, python dumps a core. Initially, I reported that to libtorrent: (this contains more details about software versions, includes a backtrace from lldb etc).

I was told that it's quite likely a bug in Deluge caused by alerts-related code change in libtorrent 1.1.0. Direct link to a comment with explanation:

#3154 Duplicate Global upload speed limit is ignored ElectronicWar

Deluged 2.0.0.dev7125 is ignoring the global upload speed limit but obeys the per-torrent speed limit.

System details:

  • Debian (Raspbian) Stretch
  • Latest Deluge 2.0.0.dev7125 via "artful" develop PPA
  • Latest libtorrent via "artful" develop PPA
#3152 Upstream 1000s of connections stuck on CLOSE_WAIT LaserEyess

On announcing, Deluge is not closing the file descriptors for TCP connections and frequently crashing due to 'too many open files'. As far as I can tell, this happens with every tracker, on every announce. After 10 or so announces deluge has too many open files and it subsequently crashes when it tries to open a new file descriptor for a TCP connection.

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