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Results (145 - 147 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3017 Duplicate Error adding Host keschrich

I have a headless deluge server (1.3.14), and am trying to connect to it from my Ubuntu machine where I have Deluge 1.3.14 installed.

I enter all the details on the Add Host screen, and click add and get the following error: "Unterminated string starting at: line 8 column 7 (char 150)".

The Add Host window closes and I am back at the Connection Manager window. The host I just attempted to add shows up in the list with a red status icon. I cannot close the window using the Close button, but it closes if I hit the X. Once closed, I can return to the connection manager, and the status icon for the host turns green and I can connect to it.

Further complicating things, the host is not saved when I exit deluge- so the next time I run the deluge client I have to do the above again.'

#3019 Duplicate unable to save proxy info Anunnaki40

it keeps getting deleted when i try to save except the top line. im using windows 7 64 bit.

#3020 Fixed Deluge Doesn't Save Default Download Directory Backster_R

For some reason Deluge 1.3.14 (and earlier) doesn't remember the default downloads and completed moved to directory when changed from the default location to another hard drive in preferences.

System information: Windows 10 x64 (up to date as of 4/2017) Deluge 1.3.14 installed to default folder

To reproduce: In Deluge: Edit > Preferences > Downloads change "Download To" to another folder on a different hard drive (e.g.. H:\torrents\ Change "Move Completed to" to another folder within the download folder you just specified (e.g. H:\torrents\{complete\)

Click apply, then ok.

Exit Deluge. Restart deluge. Look at the preferences: Edit > Preferences > Downloads. The downloads location has reverted to the original "Downloads" folder.

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