Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1313 WorksForMe deluge-gtk can't connect to host Toralv

After upgrading to Lucid I can't connect to my headless deluge host anymore. Both client and server are running Lucid and the latest Deluge from Launchpad PPA (1.2.3). I can connect to the host with deluge-console.

In the gtk-clients Connection Manager I add the login information, the green tick shows up, AND THE 'Connect' BUTTON SWITCHES TO 'Disconnect', but the button becomes unresponsive.

Even though the logfile and the green tick indicate that the gtk-client is connected to the host, the status bar and the whole UI for that matter won't switch to 'Connected' status.

#401 Duplicate upnp on ubuntu hardy on 64 and 32bit doesn't work for version 1.0.0_RC4 markybob

Deluge doesn't properly map UPNP on version 1.0.0_RC4 under ubuntu hardy 32 or 64. Router does not show any mappings and its selected in the preferences.

Downgrading to resolved issue.

#1227 Fixed Check File NoAscii Characters Title toniboni88

When I add .torrent file and I have the file, Deluge check the file and when found a noAscii Characters in the title of the file jump the file and it put in download, through the file is complete.

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