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Results (145 - 147 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3342 Fixed web ui error drsnuggels

deluge 2.0.4.dev23+g2f1c008a2-1 / arch x64

● deluge-web-user.service - Deluge WebUI
     Loaded: loaded (/home/htpc/.config/systemd/user/deluge-web-user.service; e>
     Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2020-01-10 21:39:28 CET; 3h 28min ago
    Process: 170862 ExecStart=/usr/bin/deluge-web --ssl (code=exited, status=0/>
   Main PID: 170862 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Jan 10 21:39:27 htpc systemd[2092]: Started Deluge WebUI.
Jan 10 21:39:28 htpc deluge-web[170862]: Unable to initialize gettext/locale!
Jan 10 21:39:28 htpc deluge-web[170862]: 'ngettext'
Jan 10 21:39:28 htpc deluge-web[170862]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jan 10 21:39:28 htpc deluge-web[170862]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packag>
Jan 10 21:39:28 htpc deluge-web[170862]:     builtins.__dict__['_n'] = builtins>
Jan 10 21:39:28 htpc deluge-web[170862]: KeyError: 'ngettext'
Jan 10 21:39:28 htpc systemd[2092]: deluge-web-user.service: Succeeded.
#2280 Invalid Webui down when tracker responce have cyrillic symbols Damien Churchill seedboxorgua

In russia some trackers responses looks like "Вы не можете качать больше торрентов", deluge webui hang and down when i add torrent like this, it happened only when tracker responce on russian and (maybe) have Cyrillic 1251 codepage, not UTF-8. Got these issues on ubuntu 10.04 / 11.04 / 12.04 and 12.10 on Deluge 1.3.5 with 0.15.9 / 0.16 libtorrent from PPA, and on libtorrent 1.0 from trunk. Seems this is just webui issue, and i ask for fix that. Typically this issue happened when tracker limits user to download for example 3 max. torrents per time, but user add 10 torrents (in utorrent 3 downloading and another 7 can't get peers, so all 10 have status downloading), in deluge adding 10 torrents will broke webui. Restart don't solve that issue, just deleting all torrents that can respond with cyrillic symbols.

#1184 WebUI doesn't show filter data 1.3.0 Damien Churchill bckspc

I just upgrade from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0_dev using the git master version. WebUI shows the filters on the left side empty.

Also, even with any torrent selected none of the bottom tabs work, only show the default information or empty textboxes.

I tested the web ui with MacOSX Snow Leopard 10.6.2 in the following browsers:

  • Chrome 5.0 dev
  • Safari 4.0.4
  • Firefox 3.5.8

In firefox, the css theme is not loaded (i see all black/white and blue links) and it gives javascript errors.

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