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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#42 WontFix Writes and Reads reduction. andar anonymous

I've noticed that Deluge keeps flushing the data back to the drive almost immidiately after it receives it. It also seems to read data for uploading as it's needed. With just one torrent going 100KB/s down and 50KB/s up my HDD LED keeps flashing like crazy. This is very taxing for hard drives. Please make an option available to have the data flushed less frequently (like a slider with some reasonable values and a reasonable default value, say 2MB).

This would reduce writes.

Also, some sort of intelligent and more RAM-heavy (hey, RAM is cheap and it could be optional) uploading mechanism would be in order. Like buffering more data at once, I'm not sure how the protocol works, but parts that have most demand could be pre-emptively cached or/and if there's some sort of a queue, parse who needs what in advance and cache this data in bigger chunks in preperation before sending it.

This would reduce reads.

#43 Fixed gtkui fails to start andar danii


gtkui fails to start with

[INFO    ] ui:55 Starting GtkUI..
[DEBUG   ] client:55 CoreProxy init..
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/deluge", line 7, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/", line 68, in start_ui
    UI(options, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/ui/", line 56, in __init__
    from deluge.ui.gtkui.gtkui import GtkUI
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 62, in ?
    from coreconfig import CoreConfig
ImportError: No module named coreconfig
#45 Fixed separate maximum active torrents from torrents that are seeding andar anonymous

i am trying the best way to describe it but basically so that for example you could have 1 torrent downloading and two torrents seeding and when the torrent downloading finishes it starts the next one in the queue and the finished torrents goes to seed and it doesn't affect the overall amount of maximum active torrents

another example

Max No. of torrents Downloading: 1 Max No. of torrents Seeding: 3

something setup like that instead of just

Maximum simultaeneus active torrents: 4

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