Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1095 WorksForMe Incorrect torrent creation andar XChesser

Deluge creates torrent files incorrectly in case of piece size of 1/2/4 MB. For example, torrent file for 8 GB release turns out about 40 MB (at 2 MB size). After creating torrent Deluge often crashes.

#1122 WorksForMe Needless re-checking of some torrents when deluge restarted without internet connection Ideal

I seen this thingie happening for quite some times already and now seems like i see the pattern why. After you start deluge when no internet connection is available and then restart deluge once again - for some reason it starts to re-check some of the torrents, here now its ~25%(~30 out of 117 here) of all of them.

Seems like maybe the cause is deluge/libtorrent confusing the status of torrents not being able to connect to trackers or the like and writing wrong status of such torrents on shutdown and on the next start - considers them as needed to recheck.

#1224 WorksForMe Deluge doesn't use the "share ratio limit" in general preferences simonbcn

I explain this with images.
I have defined in Preferences > Queue:

I have added one torrent and this is its queue options:

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